Case Studies

How LifeWise Streamlined Giving Across 500 Schools in 20 States


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1-time gifts

Eliminate custom system

Green arrow pointing upArrow pointing down

Technology Costs


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Recurring Donations

The Challenge

LifeWise faced a unique scaling problem: Their ministry grew from 3 schools to 500 in just four years. 1. Their custom-built giving system became too expensive and complex to maintain. 2. With volunteers raising funds across 20 states, they needed a simple system that worked for everyone - from live events to online giving.
Lifewise Academy needed a platform that could:
  • Cut costs of managing custom system
  • Make giving easy for donors across states
  • Support various types of fundraising
  • Create flexible checkout pages
  • Handle both live events and online giving
  • Give volunteers simple tools to use
  • Scale smoothly as they grow
  • The Solution

    WeGive helped LifeWise replace their custom system with a flexible platform that grows with them. Here's what happened: 1. Simplified Everything - Created custom checkout pages
    - Set up event fundraising tools
    - Added in-person giving options
    - Built engaging donor portal 2. Real Results - 20% increase in one-time donors
    - Lower tech maintenance costs
    - Easier system for volunteers
    - Better donor experience Ready for Growth Flexible tools that scale
    - Support for multiple giving types
    - Simple volunteer training
    - Platform that grows with them

    We tried a few different donation platforms over the years but each left us disappointed or wanting for more, so we ended up just building our own. Then, I stumbled across WeGive at a conference and have not looked back. Instead of locking us in a box and forcing us to work with what we're given like most other donation platforms, WeGive has come alongside us and actively asked how they can improve their platform to meet our needs. It's a complete 180 from anything I've seen with any other vendor.
    Emily Warner
    VP of IT

    The Result


    Green arrow pointing up

    1-time gifts

    Eliminate custom system

    Green arrow pointing up

    Technology Costs


    Green arrow pointing upArrow pointing down

    Recurring Donations


    Faith-based nonprofit


    Columbus, OH

    Customer since

    June 2024
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